Shades of Dichotomy

Saw young white hispano not quite anglo, Wu-tang tank top in The Fresh Market, Lookin’ for organic pork chops. My visceral reaction to oppositional visual feedback Had me taken aback, shifting to righteous frequency At flagrant audacity and shameless apropriation Of counter-culturally rebellious Afro-Activity. Yet, I was there to see him in his part While purchasing tea, turmeric, and coconut oil For balance, knees, and dreadlocs At the same white

Two Women Conversing On The Bus

I watched two women, Blond and brunette, Converse. Through scratched and beaten plastic I watched them weave magic with their hands, Waving words into being, Pulling them from the air silently While the bus jostled them noisily. Phalangic dissertations, Stylisticly lexical differences Marked by sharp fingers, Syntactical personality shifts With flowing wrists. Blonde reached out, Stamping her words with emotion. Brunette leaned, Casually carving logos from ether. Filled with smiles,


It’s all 0s and 1s. The meeting place of land sea give both definition by opposition just as death gives meaning to life by delineating the boundary of life. Imagine the waters on this planet before life. Moving only with the sway of a planetary dance. Deep in the bosom of Terra, something blinked and came to be, the lifeless waters around it a clear juxtaposition to what it was.